Tag: OSM

ChangeSets in HDYC

Last weekend I added some information to “How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap ?“. The “ChangeSets” (1) of an OpenStreetMap contributor can be seen now too. To be more specific, you get the following numbers:

  • ChangeSets == Overall amount of your ChangeSets
  • Changes == Overall amount of your changes within your ChangeSets
  • First ChangeSet == Date of your first ChangeSet
  • Last ChangeSet == Date of your last ChangeSet

You can make this information visible by clicking the “more“-link (2)! In the following picture below you can see the new add-on:

Notice that the date that is shown in the ChangeSet-information field (see image above) is always the same as the date that is being displayed underneath the “Your last Node … “-image (3). Check it out here: http://hdyc.neis-one.org

Short update to “Growing agreement to CT”

In my last post in average ca. 38 members accepted the new Contributor Terms (CT) every day. I created a new diagramm which shows the increase of the accounts for the past month.

Overall for the past month every day ca. 55 accepted the new CT.

What causes the increasing support to the new license? Are more people getting familiar with the new license through publicity work? Or is it maybe Fabian´s ODbl-Map?

thx @ dennis

Small add-ons to “How did you contribute …”?

Because of the upcoming license discussions, I made some small additions to the “How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?” website. First (1) I imported a new planet dump file dated 11/17/2010. Additionally the user can get the information now if the OSM contributor has agreed to the new ODbL/CT, indicated by a green “Agreed” at the bottom part of the page.

If the OSM contributor has not agreed to the new ODbL/CT yet, it’s showing a different message (3), requesting the contributor to review and accept the new ODbL/CT here.

I hope that helps and please remember: If a contributor has not agreed to the new license yet, it could imply that he/she does not know about the license changes so far!

Try it out: http://hdyc.neis-one.org/

thx @ Dennis

Routing View EU 2010-11

And again, here are the new statistics for the “Routing View EU“.

Overall (according to the Geofabrik extract) the following amount of errors appear for Europe at the middle of November 2010:

  • Unconnected Roads: ca. 107500
  • Duplicate Ways (number of duplicate segments): ca. 160000

Unfortunately this means that overall only 500 unconnected streets and 22000 duplicate way segment errors have been fixed (last month we had 108000 unconnected roads and 180000 duplicate way segments errors). As always, the following image shows the amount of errors divided by country:

Wow Italy! It’s really nice to see what’s happening there! During the past month they fixed more than 9000 errors again. And now they are really catching up with Germany 🙂 But also in several other countries some people were able to reduce the amount of errors too, such as in: Albania, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Norway or Sweden. More than 1000 errors have been fixed here in each country 🙂

Slightly disturbing is the situation in Germany: A gain of more than 3.000 errors! What’s going on?! 🙁

The comparison for each month and country can be seen in the following diagram. (The bars shows the total amount of errors for 1m, 2m, 5m unconnected & duplicate way segments):

As usual, the comparison of federal states of entire Germany that included the error type “Unconnected 1m”:

Overall, nearly all federal states have a positive value regarding the amount of errors 🙁 Not quite good, especially considering the numbers of the past few months. So tell me…what’s going on in Germany? Are you not interested in fixing errors in the map or database?? What do you think is the problem?

thx @ dennis and Good Luck to you for Thursday!

Growing agreement to contributor terms

As I mentioned in an earlier post, since October 10th there is a list of OSM member accounts available that have agreed to the contributor terms. The file is available here and it will be refreshed every hour. I created a diagram that shows the increase of the number of accounts in the past.

So for the past 15 Days, in average, about 38 members accepted the contributor terms every day. As you can see in the figure above, there was a problem while creating the users file on the server between Oct. 29 and 31. It seems to be working normally again by now. Remember, new OSM members do automatically agree to the new conritbutor terms, so that they are NOT counted in this list!

However, I think it will be interesting to see if or how a change will be visible in the next weeks (or months?) compared to the numbers from my last post “Change of OSM object numbers through relicensing – Vers. 1”

thx @ dennis 🙂

How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap ? Version 2.0

Since my last blog post there are some small improvements available for the “How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?” website.

The following picture shows the changes. First (1) I imported the new full history (10/22/2010) and normal planet dump file dated 10/27/2009. Completely *new* is the second OSM map which shows the “last” contributed node of the user (2) (depending on the imported OSM planet dump file in my database). Further a link to the contributor’s page in the OSM wiki has been included (3).

So: “How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?” Use your UserLink and share it with other OSMers or simply get some information about other OSMers!

thx @ dennis

Change of OSM object numbers through relicensing – Vers. 1

Most of you know that OSM will change its license. This means that all data of the OSM project must be relicensed and therefore the contributors have to accept the new contributor terms. Some information about the new ODbL license can be found here.

Since October 9th or rather 10th there is a list of OSM member accounts available that have agreed to the new license. Here you can find Richard’s announcement in the OSMF blog and Matt’s announcement on legal-talk@openstreetmap.org.

Based on my “How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?” database and the just mentioned “agreed users” list, I created some stats. Sadly they are (still) not up to date, but in my opinion interesting enough to publish them here anyway. In the first attempt I used the last modifier of an OSM object (node/way/relation) as the owner of the object. On the second analysis I use the creator (version=”1″) as the owner of the object.

In my OSM-User-Database of 10/13/2010 a total of 104354* members are the “owners” of the following OSM objects (* Notice: Not every member of the OSM project has contributed!):

  • Number of nodes : 801562971
  • Number of ways : 66719256
  • Number of relations: 765276

You can find the current status of the OSM database statistics here.

As of Oct. 10 th, 2010 (00:00), 2831 Users have accepted the new license. 18054 new OSM members (uid >= 286582) have accept the new contributor terms automatically. I created the following numbers of OSM objects, which will be available for relicensing (at the above mentioned date of my data). If you assume that the last modifier is the owner of the object: (the numbers in brackets represent the percentage of the total objects!)

  • Number of nodes : 448027992 (55,8943%)
  • Number of ways : 31734455 (47,5642%)
  • Number of relations: 237699 (31,0606%)

As I mentioned above, I did the same analysis with a second dataset in which the creator is also the owner of the OSM object (my table is based on the full-history-dump of August 1, 2010). A total of 98415 members created:

  • Number of nodes : 796020493
  • Number of ways : 63879479
  • Number of relations: (numbers available soon)

And the following numbers of OSM objects will be available for relicensing:

  • Number of nodes : 431778708 (54,2422%)
  • Number of ways : 29885534 (46,7842%)
  • Number of relations: (numbers available soon)

Remember, these statistics contain the TIGER import! If you extract this import, surely the percentage of nodes and ways are less, about 14% or even more? Maybe there a several data imports which have to be considered in the numbers? Has anyone else analyzed this before? However, I try to repeat these stats in the near future…

thx @ “the fabulous” dennis

*.osm or *.pbf ?

Since September 5 th Osmosis supports the new OSM binary fileformat. It sounds interesting, but where are the pros of this format?

I played a little bit with the OSM file of entire Europe. The europe (*.osm) file has an uncompressed format size of about 72.9 GB (compressed it is about 5.2 GB). The new OSM binary (*.pbf) file on the other hand has a size of 3.7 GB (compress=deflate) or 7.6 GB (compress=none).

With the help of Osmosis, it’s quite simple to update an OSM file daily via the “diff” files. You can find a good “how to” in the OSM wiki (here).

For the past 5 days, I collected the processing times that Osmosis (version 0.37) takes to update the europe *.osm file. The osmosis job contains the download of the change (*.osc) file and the cutting (bounding-polygon parameter) of Europe. Altogether the job runs at average in 56min. With the OSM *.pbf file the same task is completed in 14min. I think this is a big difference. So if you need an OSM file on your system, give the new binary OSM files a try! Really nice work Scott 🙂

Some system information: (i7-920) Quadcore with 4x 2667MHz, 1500GB HDD and 12GB RAM. thx @ dennis

Routing View EU 2010-10

As mentioned in my last post, I am trying to conduct some statistics for the “Routing View EU” each month that show the areas where the amounts of errors have changed.

Over all (according to the Geofabrik extract) the following amounts of errors appear for the area of Europe at the moment:

  • Unconnected Roads: ca. 108000
  • Duplicate Ways (number of duplicate segments): ca. 182000

This means that compared to last month about 3000 unconnected streets and 31000 duplicate way segment errors have been removed in Europe. The following image shows the amount of errors divided by country:

If Italy keeps up the good work (-11000 errors) it will catch up with Germany in one or two months. But also Austria, France and Norway were able to correct a lot of errors. For some reason the United Kingdom does not show much of a difference and still has a high amount of errors!?

The following diagram shows the total amount of errors (1m, 2m, 5m unconnected & duplicate way segments) by country compared for each month:

As I did during the past couple of months, again the comparison of federal states of Germany that included the error type “Unconnected 1m” including this month, shown below:

The federal states of Germany are split into three thirds at the moment. In one third of the states errors are being corrected, the second third shows no changes and the last third even shows an increase of errors!?

thx @ dennis 😉

Using OpenHeatMap

Nearly three months ago I saw a tweet by mapperz (here). The tweet introduced http://www.openheatmap.com (OHM) : “Turn your spreadsheet into a map” . A very interesting tool. Unfortunately I completely forgot about it in the past weeks until last night. I was looking for an easy method to present some data on a map.

Using OHM is really simple. Upload your CSV file, which suits a certain format, and your data is more or less presented on an OpenStreetMap basemap 🙂

In my case, I used the TMC data of Germany for one week (since 2010-09-12) to present it on a map. For each intersection I counted the number of traffic messages for that specific week. The red areas in the map represent those intersections with a high concentration of messages. My result-OHM-map can be found here: http://www.openheatmap.com/view.html?map=OverestimatedOdessasShevat

The visualization of the CSV file looks pretty cool, doesn’t it? Especially the Berlin area shows a very nice representation of TMC messages.

Generally speaking, Pete’s Projekt http://www.openheatmap.com is working very well. A few adjustments still need to be made though. It would be nice to include a zoom function that works with the mouse wheel. Probably this was one of the first problems you encountered too?! But still: Keep up the good work!

thx @ georg for supporting the TMC Database dump
and again thx @ dennis !