Growing agreement to contributor terms

by Pascal Neis - Published: November 5th, 2010

As I mentioned in an earlier post, since October 10th there is a list of OSM member accounts available that have agreed to the contributor terms. The file is available here and it will be refreshed every hour. I created a diagram that shows the increase of the number of accounts in the past.

So for the past 15 Days, in average, about 38 members accepted the contributor terms every day. As you can see in the figure above, there was a problem while creating the users file on the server between Oct. 29 and 31. It seems to be working normally again by now. Remember, new OSM members do automatically agree to the new conritbutor terms, so that they are NOT counted in this list!

However, I think it will be interesting to see if or how a change will be visible in the next weeks (or months?) compared to the numbers from my last post “Change of OSM object numbers through relicensing – Vers. 1”

thx @ dennis 🙂