Category: Allgemein

Zwischen Wissenschaft und Kriminalität: Geldautomatensprengungen in Rheinland-Pfalz & Hessen

In den vergangenen Jahren kommt es in der gesamten Bundesrepublik Deutschland immer wieder zu Geldautomatensprengungen. Das Bundeskriminalamt veröffentlicht hierzu jährlich ein Bundeslagebild, das sowohl deskriptive Statistiken als auch weitere Informationen zu den Vorfällen in den einzelnen Bundesländern bietet. Auch in meiner Heimatgemeinde Hünstetten wurde bereits mehrfach ein Geldautomat gesprengt und ausgeräumt. Für mich persönlich war dies unter anderem der Ursprung, sich dieses Phänomen einmal genauer mit Studierenden und im Kontext eines betreuten Lehrforschungsprojektes an der Hochschule Mainz anzuschauen.


© Beke Heeren-Pradt: Gesprengter Geldautomat in Hünstetten


Die Ergebnisse der umfangreicheren Untersuchung, die zusammen mit den Studierenden der Hochschule Mainz für das Land Rheinland-Pfalz durchgeführt wurde, sind jetzt in einer Open Access Publikation veröffentlicht. Im Fokus des Artikels stand nicht die Sprengung des Automaten an sich, sondern ein innovativer Lehransatz der anhand des Fallbeispiels die Geldautomatensprengungen untersucht. Die Studierenden haben bei ihren Untersuchungen auf der einen Seite versucht die Rolle der „Polizei“ und auf der anderen Seite die Rolle der „Räuber“ einzunehmen. Neben der Formulierung verschiedener Thesen zu dem genannten Fallbeispiel, umfasste das „Crime Mapping“ den größten Teil ihrer Analyse. Das bedeutet, beim „Crime Mapping“ geht es um die sogenannte Verbrechenskartierung und unter anderem um die Erkennung von Verbrechensmustern. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt zum Beispiel die gesprengten Geldautomaten (a) und Polizeidienststellen und deren Erreichbarkeit (b) in Rheinland-Pfalz.

Hintergrundkarte © OpenStreetMap Mitwirkende


Eine der vielen interessanten Thesen von den Studierenden konnte allerdings nicht bewiesen werden: „Beispielsweise ist die Polizeipräsenz auf dem Land zwar geringer, dies bedeutet aber nicht zwingend, dass dort im Vergleich die Geldautomaten gefährdeter sind.“ Der gesamte Artikel „Innovative Lehrmethoden in der GIScience am Beispiel von Crime Mapping mit Geldautomatensprengungen“ mit weiteren Abbildungen und Statistiken ist jetzt freizugänglich in der gis.Science abrufbar.

Die ersten Ergebnisse meiner Arbeit für das Land Hessen wurden daneben bereits Anfang 2023 in Zusammenarbeit mit Jan Eggers von der hessenschau veröffentlicht. Die Erkenntnis, die wir damals gewonnen haben, war wenig überraschend: In Hessen gibt es einen gewissen Zusammenhang zwischen der Häufigkeit von Sprengungen und einer guten Verkehrsanbindung.

© Jan Eggers


Unmapped Places of the OpenStreetMap World – 2024

In 2010, I first conducted a study which identified regions (places) in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project in Germany that still had potential for more detailed mapping. Later, in 2016, this analysis was repeated and extended to the entire world. I have since regularly carried out these studies and published the results. The algorithm and some more details are documented in an earlier blog post of mine.

For the year 2024, I have recalculated this analysis and published the results on my website: “Unmapped Places of OpenStreetMap“. For the study, the OSM Planet File in PBF format from Dec. 7th was used. It can be downloaded here.


Currently, there are about 8.6 million elements in the OpenStreetMap project that use the place-key, representing either the center or the outline of a named place. Approximately 1.5 million place nodes are registered as villages, defined as “A village/town with up to 10,000 inhabitants.“. More details about the place-keys can be found in the OSM wiki. Depending on which type of street is used as a filter in my search, there are currently at least 170,000 places (villages) in OSM that are unmapped.

How is the number distributed across continents? Currently, 67% of the unmapped places are in Asia, followed by 30% in Africa. The remaining approx. 3 percent are distributed across the rest of the world. The detailed figures:

  • Asia: 113,895 (67%)
  • Africa: 51,443 (30%)
  • South America: 2,282
  • Oceania: 804
  • Europe: 637
  • North America: 484
  • Antarctica: 3

In the past the data from my studies have been used for MapRoulette, HOTOSM, MissingMaps, or similar mapathons or challenges. If anyone is interested in the individual layers of the visualization, they can be downloaded here directly as a JS file (track, minor, major). I would appreciate appropriate attribution if my data is used. Please feel free to leave a comment on my OSM diary page, where I have cross-posted this article.

Wait, someone did what?
Exploring Reverted Map Edits in OpenStreetMap

The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project has over 10 million registered members, with around 2 million user profiles having made at least one map contribution. However, a closer look reveals that there has been a slight decline in the number of active contributors over the last three years. Despite the extensive global mapping community, there are instances where individuals or automated bots disregard the consensus norms of the community when editing data. These situations arise due to disagreements regarding the appropriateness of certain tagging or features within the OSM database. To address these issues, a change rollback process, commonly referred to as reverting, is used to combat vandalism and correct ‘mistakes’ by restoring a previous version of the data.

Two years ago, I added additional statistics to the “How did you contribute to OSM?” page for quality assurance purposes. The numbers for each contributor profile were derived from an analysis of the full history OSM planet dump and changeset tags, including the specific editor used. While this pragmatic approach provides valuable insights, it’s important to acknowledge that the obtained numbers are estimations rather than exact figures. Furthermore, I received several inquiries regarding the implementation of the processing involved in identifying the displayed “reverted changes”.

Over the past few weeks, I have developed an advanced processing pipeline. This involved revisiting the comprehensive OSM planet dump and examining the evolution of each entity (node, way, relation) in relation to its previous states. Specifically, an entity with a higher version number was identified as a revert if it had the same latitude/longitude coordinates (for nodes), tags (key-value pairs), and/or members (for relations) as a previous version. In simpler terms, if a mapper changed “X” to “Y” and another mapper subsequently altered it back to “X”, it would be counted as a revert.

The following graph illustrates the amount of reverted map edits, changesets, and the contributors affected per month. This visualisation offers some initial insights into the scope and impact of reverted changes. It’s important to note, that the these numbers don’t include any actions related to reverted data imports.


It is also necessary to look more closely at the specific entities that are counted as “reverted”. Are they primarily nodes with a few tags, or are they ways and relations with extensive mapping histories in active areas? These specific aspects, among others, will be explored in an upcoming blog post or possibly published as part of a scientific research study.

What are your thoughts? I think many of you might be curious to discover whether your own map entities have been reverted. Please feel free to leave a comment on my OSM diary page, where I have cross-posted this article.

#100 – Thank you!

While I was working on my latest blog post, I realized that I had already written 100 posts over the past nine years. All posts have one thing in common: They are about the well-known and maybe never ending OpenStreetMap project. From time to time there are still emerging questions or issues which must be tackled by someone. This always fascinated me about OSM. However, this particular number 100 is not about a specific subject, it’s just a tiny post to say thank you! Thank you for your continuous interest in reading, commenting and of course sometimes criticizing my work. To me it’s still awesome to see that you, a few thousand people in total, use tools or services daily, that I implemented.

It’s still incredible that many people (not all) spent their spare time contributing to the project, not only as spatial data contributors but also as software engineers, system admins or coordinators of workshops, conferences or mapping events or by just validating or reviewing the latest map changes. Some of my webpages wouldn’t be as successful without your feedback. So, thanks again! Finally, I would like to thank all the people who I have met during the different meet ups, such as FOSSGIS, OSM hack weekends etc. over the past couple of years. There have always been friendly, respectful and useful chats: It’s always a pleasure.

Thanks to maɪˈæmɪ Dennis.

Processing compressed OpenStreetMap Data with Java

This blog post contains a summary on how you can write your own Java classes to process OpenStreetMap (OSM) pbf files. PBF is a compression format, which is nowadays more or less the standard utilized for reading and writing OSM data quickly. In the OSM world, many tools and programs implemented this file format (you can find additional information here). However, I think the following samples for reading and writing such compressed OSM data can be very helpful. In particular, if someone has to create some sort of test data or has to read some specific mapped objects of interest for her/his own project. The well-known Java Osmosis tool (command line application for processing OSM data), provides several libraries that are the basis for this brief tutorial.

Step 1: Maven is the key – If your Java project is already managed by Maven, you can just add the following lines to your pom.xml. It downloads and adds the required jar-files that are needed to process compressed OSM data to your project.


If you don’t use Maven, you can download the aforementioned dependencies here and add the jars as described here to your eclipse build path.

Step 2: Implementing the Sink interface for reading OSM data – Now, after you added the required libraries to your project, you can create your own class to read compressed OSM data. The following MyOSMReader class is an easy example for that scenario: It reads an OSM pbf files and prints all Ids of ‘ways’ with a ‘highway’ key.

package org.neis_one.osm.examples;

import java.util.Map;

import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.EntityContainer;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.NodeContainer;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.RelationContainer;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.WayContainer;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Way;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.task.v0_6.Sink;

import crosby.binary.osmosis.OsmosisReader;

 * Receives data from the Osmosis pipeline and prints ways which have the
 * 'highway key.
 * @author pa5cal
public class MyOsmReader implements Sink {

	public void initialize(Map<String, Object> arg0) {

	public void process(EntityContainer entityContainer) {
		if (entityContainer instanceof NodeContainer) {
			// Nothing to do here
		} else if (entityContainer instanceof WayContainer) {
			Way myWay = ((WayContainer) entityContainer).getEntity();
			for (Tag myTag : myWay.getTags()) {
				if ("highway".equalsIgnoreCase(myTag.getKey())) {
					System.out.println(" Woha, it's a highway: " + myWay.getId());
		} else if (entityContainer instanceof RelationContainer) {
			// Nothing to do here
		} else {
			System.out.println("Unknown Entity!");

	public void complete() {

	public void close() {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("/Path/To/Your/read.osm.pbf");
		OsmosisReader reader = new OsmosisReader(inputStream);
		reader.setSink(new MyOsmReader());;

Step 3: Implementing the Source Interface for writing OSM data – Similarly to Step 1 to read an OSM file, you will have to implement again an interface to write data as well. This time the Osmosis core task Source interface is being utilized. The following example class writes 10 Nodes to a new OSM pbf file.

package org.neis_one.osm.examples;

import java.util.Date;

import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.NodeContainer;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.CommonEntityData;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Node;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.OsmUser;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.task.v0_6.Sink;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.task.v0_6.Source;
import org.openstreetmap.osmosis.osmbinary.file.BlockOutputStream;

import crosby.binary.osmosis.OsmosisSerializer;

 * Writes OSM data to the output task.
 * @author pa5cal
public class MyOsmWriter implements Source {

	private Sink sink;

	public void setSink(Sink sink) {
		this.sink = sink;

	public void write() {
		for (int idx = 1; idx <= 10; idx++) {
			sink.process(new NodeContainer(new Node(createEntity(idx), 0, 0)));

	public void complete() {

	private CommonEntityData createEntity(int idx) {
		return new CommonEntityData(idx, 1, new Date(), new OsmUser(idx, "User"), idx);

	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("/Path/To/Your/write.osm.pbf");
		MyOsmWriter writer = new MyOsmWriter();
		writer.setSink(new OsmosisSerializer(new BlockOutputStream(outputStream)));

Step 4: That’s it – You should now be able to write your own classes that allow you to process compressed OSM data.

One last thing: When writing your own Java classes to process OSM data, you should always keep in mind, that the PBF file has it’s own object ordering format of the OSM objects: Each file first contains Nodes, then Ways and at the end Relations. That means, a Way element only contains references to Node ids. It doesn’t contain the coordinates or any tags of the actual nodes that are used for the Way. Thus, if you want a complete Way element with its geometry, you have two options: Store all Nodes in some kind of map or read the entire OSM file twice. Furthermore, if you’re interested in additional compressing options during writing a compressed OSM file, you should have a look at this class.

Thanks to maɪˈæmɪ Dennis.

How to detect suspicious OpenStreetMap Changesets with incorrect edits?

Since its rise in popularity, the well-known online encyclopedia Wikipedia has been struggling with manipulation or, in the worst-case, vandalism attempts. Similarly, the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project suffered several times over the past few years of cases where incorrect map data edits were made. These erroneous edits can stem at times from (new) contributors or illegal data imports (or automated edits) which have not been discussed in advance with the community or the Data Working Group (DWG) and corrupted existing project data. The current OSM wiki page gives a great overview about general guidelines and e.g. types of vandalism. Another page in the wiki also mentions a prototype of a rule based system for the automatic detection of vandalism in OSM, which I developed in 2012. However, the system has never actually been implemented. Today, the contributors of OSM can use a variety of different tools to inspect an area or particular map changes. A few of them are listed below (complete list can be found here):

Based on the database which I use for multiple other services, I created an easy to use webpage to find suspicious OSM changesets with possibly incorrect map edits. The webpage offers some filter options such as the boundary of a country or the object change of interest. In contrast to the other aforementioned webpages you can also filter changesets based on the active “mapping days” of the contributor. A “mapping day” is a day on which the contributor created at least one changeset, independent from the registration date. I am also planning on adding additional user reputation information such as used editors or tagging behavior. And of course I am going to add some RSS feeds in the next version. The first version can be found here.


What makes all of this different from other tools? Well, I think one of the major advantages is the simplicity of the webpage and that you can filter changesets based on the contributor activity and/or the changeset edits. In contrast to other tools, you can find changesets not only based on your area of interest, but also based on potential beginner mistakes and hopefully not vandalism attempts or fictional/ none existing map data.

Find Suspicious OSM Changesets here:

Thanks to maɪˈæmɪ Dennis.

OpenStreetMap Crowd Report – Season 2015

Almost one year has passed again. This means it’s time for the fourth OpenStreetMap (OSM) member activity analysis. The previous editions are online here: 2014, 2013 and 2012. Simon Poole already posted some interesting stats about the past few years. You can find all his results on the OSM wiki page. However, similar to last year, I try to dig a little deeper in some aspects.

Overall the OSM project has officially more than 2.2 million registered members (Aug, 9th 2015). For several of my OSM related webpages I create a personal OSM contributor database, based on the official OSM API v0.6. Anyway, when using this API, the final table will show a list with more than 3 million individual OSM accounts (Aug, 9th 2015). I’m not sure what the cause for this gap of almost 1 million members between the official number and the member number extracted with the API could be. Maybe some of you have a possible explanation? However, I think many accounts are created by spammers or bots.

The following chart shows a trend similar to the one of previous years: The project attracts a large number of newly registered members, but the sum of contributors that actively work on the project is fairly small. As mentioned in earlier posts, this phenomenon is nothing special for an online community project and has been analyzed for previous years already.


Described in numbers (July 31st, 2015):

  • Registered OSM Members (OSM API): 3,032,954
  • Registered OSM Members (Official): 2,201,519
  • Members who created 1 Changeset: 562,670
  • Members who performed >= 10 Edits: 343,523
  • Members who created >=10 Changesets: 137,591

Personally, I really like the following diagram: It shows the increase in monthly contributor numbers over the past few years and their consistencies in collecting OSM data based on the first and latest contributed changeset of an OSM member. It’s great to see that at least some experienced mappers are still contributing to the project after more than five years.


Some background information on how I created the stats: To retrieve the registration date of the members, I used the aforementioned OSM API. The other numbers are based on the OSM changeset dump, which is available for download here.

Next to the presented results above, you can find some daily updated statistics about the OSM project on OSMstats.

Thanks to maɪˈæmɪ Dennis.

Visualizing the #MissingMaps OpenStreetMap Contributions

The Missing Maps project is a collaboration between the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and various partner agencies, such as the American or the British Red Cross. One of their main objectives is “to map the most vulnerable places in the developing world, in order that international and local NGOs and individuals can use the maps and data to better respond to crises affecting the areas.” You can find additional information about the Missing Maps Project on the OpenStreetMap (OSM) wiki and their project page.

A year ago, I created a webpage where you can filter OSM changesets by a specific comment. Sadly the webpage provides only a search for the latest seven days. However, the Missing Maps project asked me, if it’s possible to “look over a longer time scale”? Here we go, based on a similar concept that I used for a webpage that I created for the HOT Ebola Response, I made a Map that displays all OSM changesets which have the hashtag #MissingMaps in the comment attribute and have been created since August 1st, 2014. It’s online here and being updated on an hourly basis:

The webpage also contains overall information about the number of OSM Contributors and map changes. So far more than 800 contributors created more than 1.5 Mio map changes in almost 22,000 changesets. The volunteers contributed in more than 30 countries such as Congo-Kinshasa, Sudan, Central African Republic, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Chad, Zimbabwe or Rwanda. Additionally the number of created changesets and contributors of the last seven days are displayed in two charts at the left-hand side. The time slider at the bottom of the map can be used to show the changesets between two specific dates. Finally an overview page lists the names of all OSM contributors who used the hashtag #MissingMaps in their changesets comment. Same as last time: Thank you & keep up the good work!

Thanks to maɪˈæmɪ Dennis.

Your Explored OSM World

Gregory Marler had the great idea to implement an “explored” map, based on a concept that some of you might know as “fog of war” from strategy video games. So here you go: I extended my OSM Heat Map with the “Explored Map Style”. It essentially reveals the contribution areas of an OpenStreetMap member in a “fog of war” style. The following figure shows Gregory’s amazing “explored” OSM map.


The Heat & Explored Maps are available for almost all OSM members who contributed at least several changesets here: (The new “Explored Map Style” can be selected in the layer panel (upper right corner). Additionally, I added the awesome looking and well known Watercolor and Toner map styles from Stamen design)

Thanks to maɪˈæmɪ Dennis

The OSM Contributor Activity Report – Edition 2014

The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project celebrated its 10th anniversary in August 2014. For almost 10 years it has increased its number of registered members. Even though some contributors stopped their contributions to the project, each day new mappers start collecting features for the free wiki world map (aka database).

In my last contributor report in 2013, the OSM project had a total of 1.3 Mio registered members. For July 2014 this number has increased to almost 1.6 Mio registered members. Similarly to last year, I checked how many contributors created one or more than ten changesets or performed more than 10 map edits. This information can be retrieved from the changeset dump.


The figure above reveals a similar trend to the ones we saw in the past few years: Less than 1/3 of the 1.6 Mio registered members actively contribute to the project (450,000 members). Furthermore, only a small group of 16% (270,000) or respectively 6% (100,000) of the contributors performed more than 10 edits or 10 changesets.

The long-term motivation of the contributors is quite important too. Therefore, similarly to the methods that we presented in our open access publication, I created a figure, which visualizes the increase in monthly volunteer numbers over the past few years and the consistencies in data contributions.


As we already revealed in our study, only half of the monthly active members in OSM are also long-term contributors. Also, the previously discussed pattern which depicts a contributor loss of almost 70% over the years is again visible. However, it is good to see that at least some “senior” mappers still keep contributing to the OSM project.

Thanks to maɪˈæmɪ Dennis