Tag: relicensing

What Impact has the OSM License Change in Germany on the Street Network Length? – 1st Attempt –

The OpenStreetMap project will possibly finalize its license change on April 1st 2012. There are certain concerns in the community about possible data losses and to keep them as little as possible, several remapping activities have been started. A really nice overview of “Remapping principles” and “Tools to help you” can be found here.

Frederik’s OSMInspector (OSMI) and Simon’s CLEANMAP are two very handy remapping tools. Both display data that will likely be removed after April 1st due to the fact that this data was collected by contributors that did not accept the license change. In Germany you will find several areas that are affected by these changes and might even leave some new blank spots in the map. But what impact do these changes have on the total length in kilometers per street category in Germany?

Growing agreement & relicensing OSM -Update-

My last blog post about the growing agreement to the new CTs is now nearly three months ago. Time for a short update: During the aforementioned time frame, about 32 contributors accepted the new CTs every day. Overall this means that since October 21 2010 there are about 43 contributors each day who accepted the new CTs. I updated my diagram with the latest numbers:

In December I conducted an analysis about the “Change of OSM object numbers through relicensing”. This time I only declared the last modifier of an OSM object (node/way/relation) as the owner of the object! The last and the new results can be seen in the following diagrams:

In my OSM-user-database of March 9th, 2011 a total of 120456* members are the “owners” of the following OSM objects (* Notice: Not every member of the OSM project (>350000 members) has contributed!):

  • Number of nodes: 1007604532
  • Number of ways: 85365727
  • Number of relations: 899145

Growing agreement to CT & relicensing OSM Data

In the past I did some blog posts about the “Growing agreement to contributor terms” here and here. Both posts showed the amount of OpenStreetMap contributors who accepted the new CTs every day during each time frame (about 55 contributors a day). I created a new diagram that includes the past four weeks:

Overall for the past month about 57 accepted the new CT every day. This is nearly the same amount as during the months that have been analyzed before. But what does this exactly mean for the relicensable OSM data? Almost 2 months ago I did a post about the “Change of OSM object numbers through relicensing”. At this time there were about 55% of all OSM Nodes and 47% of all OSM Ways available for relicensing (you can find my post here).

I repeated this analysis with the current OSM data: In the first attempt I used the last modifier of an OSM object (node/way/relation) as the owner of the object. During the second analysis I used the creator (version=”1″) as the owner of the object.

Change of OSM object numbers through relicensing – Vers. 1

Most of you know that OSM will change its license. This means that all data of the OSM project must be relicensed and therefore the contributors have to accept the new contributor terms. Some information about the new ODbL license can be found here.

Since October 9th or rather 10th there is a list of OSM member accounts available that have agreed to the new license. Here you can find Richard’s announcement in the OSMF blog and Matt’s announcement on legal-talk@openstreetmap.org.

Based on my “How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?” database and the just mentioned “agreed users” list, I created some stats. Sadly they are (still) not up to date, but in my opinion interesting enough to publish them here anyway. In the first attempt I used the last modifier of an OSM object (node/way/relation) as the owner of the object. On the second analysis I use the creator (version=”1″) as the owner of the object.