Category: Allgemein

What type of Mapper are You?

Last weekend Frederik and Richard asked me if I could give some additional information on the „How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?“ webpage. So here we go. Below the prior, familiar chart which shows the contributions per month, you will find two new charts. The first one shows the number of changesets per weekday and the second one the number of changesets per hour.

Additionally I added an output that roughly estimates what type of mapper the contributor is, based on his/her number of contributions (changesets). However, I will give no warranty regarding the group or type of mapper that each individual contributor falls into and I think you will figure out the different groups of mappers by yourself anyway 😉

The following picture highlights the new things on my webpage:

Most of you already know it, you will find “How Did You Contribute to OpenStreetMap?” here:

thx @ Frederik & Richard for the idea
thx @ maɪˈæmɪ Dennis

*Update* (2020-06-11) What are the different requirements for your #HDYC type of #mapper? See

New OpenStreetMap Germany Webpage

The German OpenStreetMap project webpage has been online for three years now. During these years several small updates have been made to the page. But it is about time to create a complete new webpage with a “state of the art” layout and style. Jonas created the first drafts of a possible new design of the site a while ago. Unfortunately he hasn’t had enough time to finish his work, but luckily Fabian and Pascal came up with a new webpage. Both of them considered Jonas first draft during the development and expanded it with their own ideas.

The new site is based on HTML, CSS and Twitter-bootstrap. Most of the content has been taken from the old webpage with minor improvements. In their opinion the biggest change lies within the way the users are welcomed to the page with information such as: “What is OpenStreetMap?“, “How can I help?” or “How can I use the data?“. The following image shows the important changes made to the welcome-page:

The map has moved to a different web location, but on the welcome-page you will find a large icon that is linked to the map. Similar to the old map, all German local groups are displayed as an overlay. Furthermore, they integrated the OSM Nominatim address search and two buttons in the header of the page, so users can notify the community about bugs or edit the map.

A big shout out to all the people who gave us their feedback (Jonas, Jochen, Frederik, Marc, Matthias & the WN-Team). Special thanks to Fabian who implemented most of the new site.

You can find the new webpage starting from today at the old URL:
We hope that you like it! What do you think?

Einen deutschen Blog Post findet ihr hier:

thx @ maɪˈæmɪ Dennis

New OSM stats webpage

Last weekend I discovered that two guys created a new statistic webpage for the OpenStreetMap project. Both guys did a really nice job! You can find a bunch of information about OSM members, nodes, ways and relations (1) on their webpage. In particular you can find sums of registered or active OSM members or amounts of OSM nodes, ways and relations and their daily activity (2). Further, for most of the information, you can find weekly, monthly and yearly graphs (with tooltips!)(3). The stats are created every night.

Personally, I like the graph of the “daily active members”. Did you know that in the majority of cases more relations have been modified then created? You can see this in the relations “daily created/modified/deleted” graph.

I’m sure you will find some other interesting trends. Notice: It seems that they started this site at the beginning of October 2011, thus most of the information is only available starting at this particular date. Up to now I only knew of the “official” stats webpage here. However, a really big thanks to the “lost” guys (aka Santos & El Loco) … 🙂

The website is online here:

thx @ maɪˈæmɪ Dennis

TimeSlider for “Your OSM HeatMap”

During my really great vacation in Sweden I had some time to do some further adjustments to the well-known “Your OSM Heatmap“-webpage. For the new readers: “Your OSM Heatmap” shows the contributions of an OpenStreetMap user as a heatmap overlay. You can find my blog post with some more information here.

However, I think it would be a fantastic idea to add a time slider to the webpage. You can find it now below the map! The year of your first and last contribution is on the left and right end of the slider. With the slider you can visualize your OSMtastic-work over time. The following image shows the webpage including the time slider:

As a second feature you can now use, beside your OSM heatmap-link, the permalink of the map to point to an individual position of your heatmap! Finally I have updated the data for the webpage with the latest OSM changesets. Overall the heatmaps for about 150 000 contributors are available. Remember: Not *every* registered OSM member did contribute to the project.

So, who has an awesome OSM HeatMap time-travel? >>

thx @ maɪˈæmɪ Dennis

Comparison of (OSM) routing-engines – Reloaded

Maybe some of you remember that I conducted a comparison analysis between three OpenStreetMap (OSM) routing engine APIs (CloudMade, MapQuest Open and OSRM) and G**gle Maps API last week. You can find the results in my blog post here. As I mentioned in the article, I wanted to try to do a second analysis with more routing engines.

Thus, I added Bing Maps and two OSM engines (YourNavigation/YOURS and Routino/Roadeeno) to the comparison. All services have a continental coverage with the exception of OSRM. The following table shows an overview of (1) the request-response time of the service, (2) the calculated distance for the test-route and (3) the file size of the service response:

As you can see in the following diagram does the OSM routing engine (OSRM) give the fastest results. A little bit strange is that the Routino/Roadeeno service returns no valid route responses for requests which are longer than 600 km.

The same diagram in a more detailed view:

The routing engines have different ping times (round-trip time). Almost all services have a round-trip time off about 25 ms. You can see the times for each engine in the following diagram:

If you take those ping times into account and use a logarithmic transformation, the result look as shown below:

The above diagram shows in a quite impressive way the results of this comparison that allow the following conclusions: OSRM (OSM) shows the fastest results followed by G**gle Maps (Tele Atlas). Bing (Navteq), MapQuest (OSM) and CloudMade (OSM) are nearly equal in most cases. YOURS (OSM) and Routino (OSM) seem not to be the right choices at least for long route calculations (>600km). Maybe a second comparison with several routes between 10 and 500 km could be an enhancement?

thx @ maɪˈæmɪ Dennis 🙂

AGIT2011 – Ein kleiner Rückblick …

In Salzburg (Österreich) fand dieses Jahr wieder vom 6. bis zum 8. Juli die AGIT statt. Die AGIT ist eine Konferenz für angewandte Geoinformatik, welche bereits seit 1989 stattfindet. Dieses Jahr dürfte sie wohl wieder einen neuen Besucherrekord erreicht haben, mit angeblich knapp 1200 Teilnehmern.

Wie im letzten Jahr gab es auch dieses Jahr am Mittwochnachmittag wieder ein Spezialforum für OpenStreetMap mit insgesamt drei Sessions. Sie bestanden jeweils aus drei Vorträgen über/mit oder wegen OpenStreetMap. Aber nicht nur innerhalb dieses Forums, auch in einigen anderen Sessions, wovon es teilweise insgesamt 10 parallel über die Veranstaltungstage verteilt gab, wurden OSM Daten immer wieder in unterschiedlichen Varianten verwendet. Angefangen von der Verwendung zur Erstellung von Karten, wie auch als Datengrundlage für Routenplaner, die Verwendung von GPS-Tracks zur Ermittlung des Verkehrsaufkommens oder wie in meinem Vortrag, zur Darstellung von Verkehrswarnmeldungen.

Für mich persönlich war es gerade am Mittwochnachmittag interessant zu hören, dass in Wien noch weitere amtliche Geodaten freigegeben werden und andere Ämter, zumindest in Österreich, über die Freigaben ihrer Geodaten nachdenken. Auch im Vortrag vom LVG-Bayern über die Luftbildfreigabe in Bayern, die unter anderem auch für das Abdigitaliseren für OSM verfügbar waren/sind, gab es Aussagen das gerne immer wieder neue Orthopohots freigegeben werden.

Was meiner Meinung nach vor ein paar Jahren irgendwie noch undenkbar war, wird langsam Realität: Behörden in Österreich oder auch Deutschland geben ihre Geodaten frei oder sprechen zumindest offiziell darüber sie zu veröffentlichen!

Ich sehe hier ein wirklich großes Potential gerade für OpenStreetMap im Bereich der Qualitätsvervollständigung, Qualitätsanalyse und vor allem in der immer wieder nachgefragten Qualitätssicherung. Aber nicht nur OpenStreetMap würde davon profitieren, so wie im LVG-Bayern Vortrag von offizieller Seite zu hören, haben auch die Ämter viele positive Effekte durch die Verwendung von OSM Daten bei ihrer Arbeit. Ingesamt also eine absolute Win-Win-Situation? Warten wir mal ab, was sich bis zur nächsten AGIT 2012 in Salzburg noch so alles ergibt …

This article was written in the ICE720 from Munich to Frankfurt, with a delay of 22min.
Thanks for travelling with Deutsche Bahn!

“My Way” to cross Dublin without a Pub

First of all, I really like the following blog post and the idea behind it: “Yes! It is possible to cross Dublin without passing a pub

It shows the power of crowd sourced geodata (OpenStreetMap) and the skills of some individuals. In the following steps I am going to show you a different way to get to the same result.

The website offers the same functionality to calculate a route. You can avoid certain areas by defining them (just simply draw them) on the map. However, your first step would be to “Search for Points of Interest (POI)” (PUBS), for example in Dublin within a distance of 10 km. The following picture shows the result:

After that you can create several polygons around your pubs resulting in a map with several, “red” areas:

And finally you can calculate a route from almost any point in Dublin. The last image show such a route without crossing a red area or Pub:

However, the original blog post is brilliant !
Or do you want it the opposite way: Search all pubs *along* my route? 😉

thx @ maɪˈæmɪ Dennis 🙂

Updated Error Summary for Europe

This month I tried something new. But first we will start with the usual monthly stats of the OSM Inspector Routing for Europe, this time for the middle of February 2011. Overall the following amount of errors appears for “Europe”: Unconnected Roads: ca. 107000 and Duplicate Ways (number of duplicate segments): ca. 109000 (in the OSM Wiki you can find more information about the error-types). This means that altogether there are 2600 unconnected streets and 16900 duplicate way segment errors have been fixed. In total we have an increment of 1111000 new OSM way segments for routing during the past 4 weeks in Europe (01/20/2011: 30600000, 02/20/2011: 31710000).

The following image shows the amount of errors divided by country for today’s Europe OpenStreetMap dataset:

In the past month several other countries were able to reduce the amount of errors, such as in: France (-1600), Italy (-1600), Poland (-1900), Sweden (-2300) and United Kingdom (-8000!!!). So congratulation to the UK, this is your month 🙂

Now let’s take a look at the new diagram: The following image shows the amount of errors per 100 km OpenStreetMap streetnetwork data for each country.

Do you have any other ideas for additional diagrams? I think dividing the amount of errors for each country by the number of OSM ways or segments could be an interesting approach, what do you think? The last image shows the amount of errors divided by country:

thx @ Dennis

Using OpenHeatMap

Nearly three months ago I saw a tweet by mapperz (here). The tweet introduced (OHM) : “Turn your spreadsheet into a map” . A very interesting tool. Unfortunately I completely forgot about it in the past weeks until last night. I was looking for an easy method to present some data on a map.

Using OHM is really simple. Upload your CSV file, which suits a certain format, and your data is more or less presented on an OpenStreetMap basemap 🙂

In my case, I used the TMC data of Germany for one week (since 2010-09-12) to present it on a map. For each intersection I counted the number of traffic messages for that specific week. The red areas in the map represent those intersections with a high concentration of messages. My result-OHM-map can be found here:

The visualization of the CSV file looks pretty cool, doesn’t it? Especially the Berlin area shows a very nice representation of TMC messages.

Generally speaking, Pete’s Projekt is working very well. A few adjustments still need to be made though. It would be nice to include a zoom function that works with the mouse wheel. Probably this was one of the first problems you encountered too?! But still: Keep up the good work!

thx @ georg for supporting the TMC Database dump
and again thx @ dennis !

#OSM für die Feuerwehr 2.0

Im letzten Artikel mit ähnlicher Überschrift hatte ich ein kleines HowTo gezeigt wie man mit Hilfe von OpenStreetMap (OSM) eine Online-Karte mit den jeweiligen Erreichbarkeitspolygonen von Feuerwehrhäusern oder auch für andere Einsatzzentralen erstellen kann (siehe hier!). Das Polygon wurde dabei über eine Zeitangabe berechnet.

Neben dieser Variante könnte man das Polygon aber auch über eine Maximal zu erreichende Distanz bestimmen. Stephan (SB79) hat in seinem Kommentar zum letzten Post danach gefragt. Da der Web Service diese Funktionalität unterstützt habe ich sie auch in das Tool vom letzten Mal eingebaut.

Möchtet ihr das Erreichbarkeitspolygon für eine vorgegebene Zeit um eine Position (lon lat) haben, ändert sich an der Anfrage nichts: 51.177403

Polygon nach Zeit

Polygon nach Distanz (*NEW*)

Wollt ihr aber zusätzlich für diese Position (lon lat) auch ein Polygon haben was die “Maximale” Distanz in die verschiedenen Richtungen zeigt, könnt ihr nun folgendes nutzen: 51.177403

Die Anfragearten unterscheiden sich leicht. Wenn ihr nur eine Zahl zwischen 2 und 15 angebt, wird das Polygon für die Zeit ermittelt. Enthält die URL stattdessen neben der Zahl auch ein “m” wird das Polygon für die übergebene Distanz in Meter berechnet.

Ich hoffe das hilft … 🙂