Routing View EU 2010-12

Short update with new statistics for the “Routing View EU“. Overall the following amount of errors appears for “Europe” at the middle of December 2010:

  • Unconnected Roads: ca. 112600
  • Duplicate Ways (number of duplicate segments): ca. 139000
  • read more about the error-types here

This means that altogether there are 5100 new unconnected streets and 20000 duplicate way segment errors have been fixed (last month we had 107500 unconnected roads and 160000 duplicate way errors). In total we have an increment of 1300000 (+4.6%) new OSM way segments for routing in the past 5 weeks in “Europe” (this is nearly twice the number in comparison to one month ago)!

The following image shows the amount of errors divided by country for today’s Europe dataset:

In the past month several other countries were able to reduce the amount of errors, such as in: Austria (-3200), France (-4400), Italy (-2100), Portugal (-1200), Sweden (-2000), Switzerland (-4828 !!) and the United Kingdom (-3700). So I think the award for this month goes to Switzerland 🙂 . Germany keeps going on with its negative trend: A gain of about 2700 errors! It seems like the German OSM community is primarly tracing from Bing-imagerys, doesn´t it?